Ubisoft is a Sure Hit, I'd Assume Atleast 2x-10x
This stock has been through some rough times with the peak being 2018 and the low since then being now. There are a lot of risks people point out, but I want to give some oversights on the stock.
Their list of valuable IPs are incredible. Rainbow Six Siege, The Crew, Far Cry, Assassins Creed, Prince of Perisa, and For Honor to just name a few.
They have a mainline Assassins Creed releasing in two months where the last made over $1 billion. Let that soak in, this game will make roughly their market cap.
Their debt load is pretty large, around $3 billion. That's not a positive, but they are restructuring the company in different ways. They have the most employees for any video game division including Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo which is insane. As bad as it is, layoffs could really increase their revenue and potential to payoff debt.
Only a couple games are known to come out. With this amount of employees, they are working on something. There have been rumors of a Siege X game being anounced in the next couple of weeks along with Tom Clancy. Far Cry had been cooking for a bit as well.
The biggest X-factor is the Switch 2. Ubisoft will port a large amount of games over during the launch window. That's always good money, extremely good money.
Besides people stating that I am the Ubisoft CEO burner account, what are your thoughts? I think we are in for a good take off.