Anybody from Jammu in gurgaon ?
Hello folks , Kind of new here ( account is old but never really used it) , so I'm currently living in gurgaon from past 1 year and this city has no soul ,like people are pretentious, maybe I'm not able to articulate it well ,but even after a year here ,it stills feels like , I don't know "artificial".not sure if this makes sense.
But I'm just a kaladi loving jammu ka ladka ,who doesn't seem to fit in gurgaon ,like money and opportunities are like through the roof ,but the "soul" like wo apnapan ,is really missing ,or it is just me being a cry baby 😕.
So just would love to hangout or talk to somebody in gurgaon who is from Jammu.
P.S - I can speak tutti futti dogri as well