I seem to have had a common experience

I am a casual gamer, I work full time so my gaming schedule is pretty limited. My gaming usually consists of the sims, Skyrim, and some occasional other rpgs.

I picked up KCD on sale for $2.99 on Xbox and started what I thought was going to be an average RPG, one with inherent help and forgiveness tossed in. I was wrong.

I died twice before reaching my horse while escaping Skalitz. When attempting to lockpick to get the guard armor to escape Talmberg, I broke all the lockpicks. I sold all my savior schnapps not realizing I could no longer save the game, and to top it off, I accidentally punched a guard and got killed for it.

For the first time since being a moody teenager mad at losing a deathmatch in modern warfare 2, I threw my controller across the room and turned off my console.

The more I read, the more I discover that people usually give up before really starting to like the game. I hope I hit that point, because I’m regretting my purchase, but I love the story so far.

Do you have any tips for a newbie?