I hate the snarky comments under vocal analysis/ranking videos.

I hate the snarky and shady comments under vocal related videos, and the worst thing is that the rankings(vocal,dance or rap) are "most" of the time biased or the creator have no background in these area. Even if sometimes they are correct still the snarky comments are bad.

This happens in many channels and many videos.

I saw videos from the channel called "ain't no other fan", about belting with txt/twice as bad examples,and comments were like -

You should not stan and listen to these groups, your standards are so low. Listen to xxx group, thank god I stan xyz group.

Why are they even popular?? Hybe payola!!!!! It sad they are popular,they are blocking other talented artists.

Or shading some other groups in the comments, downplaying them and their talents in all categories.

If you say something positive about them, then they will come at you saying that "raise your standards" or "your expectations are so low ". Like they can't stand a positive comment.

This happens all the time , the comments are shady and toxic.

I remember watching a video on Lsf and the entire vocal situation and some people in the comments were doing "bts skill analysis" even when the video was not about them and never mentions them anywhere.

In many other videos related to vocals,the comments will be shading bts when the video is not specifically about them.

EDIT-I am not just talking about ain't no other fan here,I am pointing out a general thing that happens in comments of these kind of videos in many channels.

I am talking about the snaky comments here under the video.