100* …Not Out

I’ve reached my first century! Most of the problems I solved were medium-level, often after checking solutions, but I’ve been able to solve them on my own when revisiting, which feels great. However, I sometimes feel a bit slow or stuck on easy problems, especially when it comes to identifying patterns quickly.

Currently, I’m following the NeetCode 150 and Striver A2Z .

Any suggestions on pattern recognition and problem-solving speed, I’d love to hear them!

I’ve reached my first century! Most of the problems I solved were medium-level, often after checking solutions, but I’ve been able to solve them on my own when revisiting, which feels great. However, I sometimes feel a bit slow or stuck on easy problems, especially when it comes to identifying patterns quickly.

Currently, I’m following the NeetCode 150 and Striver A2Z .

Any suggestions on pattern recognition and problem-solving speed, I’d love to hear them!