What can I do to perfect slight skinny fat - no current access to gym

I’m a 21 year old male, 6’0, about 180-185 pounds. I used to follow a pretty good PPL routine, was around 200 pounds at my highest, pretty low bf%. Over the last year and a few months I went through some mental challenges and stopped going to the gym. I lost some muscle and gained a lot of fat. Over the last few weeks i’ve cut a lot of that fat out through a deficit but haven’t been replacing anything as I don’t currently have access to a gym. I have a slightly lean build but with a little fat around the stomach and slight moob appearance, but it’s hard to tell how much of it is muscle or fat. I’d say I look slightly skinny fat and i’m unsure if continuing to lose weight will be adequate enough to burn off what’s left. I don’t really have access to a gym right now and I’m curious what option is best.

  1. Continue to deficit and burn off the excess fat, then lean bulk in some time when I can
  2. Body weight exercises as well as lean bulk
  3. Body weight exercises while continuing to cut

I’d really like to shed this slight skinny fat build but I’m also okay with not being super built yet. I’d rather be skinny and lean right now with the opportunity to lean bulk in the near future than be skinny fat this summer.