Do I break up with him?

I (F28) have been dating my boyfriend (M52) for about 5 months and we made things official about 2-3 months ago. Sorry if this is long.

First and foremost, I know the age gap is pretty sizable. I’ve never dated someone that much older than me so this is a first. The age gap didn’t really bother me too much at first, but, as we get more serious, I’m starting to realize it could be an issue. There are also a couple other red flags that are starting to bother me as well.

He is currently seperated and going through a divorce (ongoing for about a year) and has two kids (ages 7-10). I would like to get married at some point in my life and I may want to have kids of my own. I told him this and he said he would be willing to get married again and have more kids. However, I am just not sure how I feel about getting married and having kids with someone who is his age, especially since this wouldn’t happen for at least a couple more years.

In general, he seems to be a very kind and supportive guy and seems to be receptive to communicating and figuring things out with me. However, there have been some weird comments that don’t really make sense for him to say and they bother me. Example 1) Valentine’s Day, he was talking about the two bartenders who work where we were going for dinner and said, “the female bartender, I always forget her name, but she has really big boobs”. There’s only one female bartender and I knew who he was talking about so the boob comment was unnecessary and just rubbed me the wrong way. Example 2) there have been multiple females at the bar that he has introduced me to/pointed out and then told me he thought about asking them out before he met me. Like why would I need to know that? Example 3) he told that when meets an attractive girl, he automatically evaluates whether he thinks they would be compatible or not. Example 4) we were watching a move and the guy very obviously checked out another girl in front of his wife and my boyfriend basically said be does that but at least he’s more subtle about it. When I asked him to please not do that in front of me, he said “he would try”.

All of these just seem really out of character as to how he normally is and they just don’t sit right with me and really confuse me. I’ve been thinking I should maybe just end things as we haven’t even been dating all that long and the age gap issue won’t ever go away. But I do enjoy spending time with him and hate the idea of having to end things. What should I do?