Therapist told me to end it, basically
I (f26) explained that my husband (m32) is not a naturally motivated individual to a therapist yesterday. This dynamic has created a one sided relationship as I have continued to grow over our 8 years together (5 years married) and he has not. He is a kind person and has kept a job and even gotten a great promotion, but he has no social circle, no individual life goals, and for the most part has operated in a dopamine seeking mindset (in my opinion). He hasn't shared his load of the housework or planning. I've brought my concerns up four separate times now with the most recent time being a month ago and telling him I'm at the verge of asking for a divorce. Since then, he has told me that he's going to change - for good. Not just for a few weeks like every other time.
Over the weekend I've been feeling good because we have been accomplishing tasks around the house that I've wanted to address for years but felt too much resentment or shame to tackle alone. He has kept a positive attitude and began cooking, too. But yesterday I had a therapy appt (I'm in between therapists so this was an EAP appt) and after telling her my concerns she told me that I can't change my husband so I need to either accept him as he is or leave him.
I guess it was the truth I needed to hear to stop being so optimistic. I always find myself getting along so well with my husband that the inequality slips my mind until it becomes glaringly obvious. I'm terrified of my own optimism and happiness in moments when things are going well because it does feel like it's probably only temporary again, and one day soon I'm going to have to face the reality that we are not naturally matched well, lifestyle wise. We are just best friends who can function by living together, but only for so long :(
Has anyone had similar input from a therapist or been in a similar situation? Did things work out of is it true - is this something that can't change?
tl;dr my therapist told me I can't change my husband's poor motivation/emotional intelligence. He has to change for himself - and this likely won't come from him saying he will change to prevent divorce. I should accept him as he is or leave. Has anyone found this to be true?