Running a maze of mirrors
Hey guys, I am running an adventure that has a mirror maze in it and I am not sure how to even describe it, let alone the mechanics of it. The module just has the strategy for the monsters in the maze, but no mechanical help or descriptive text other than "Beyond the door is a dizzying array of light and reflections. Polished metal mirrors stretch from floor to ceiling, forming a maze of endless corridors and reflected images"
Are the players supposed to have a penalty to perception checks to navigate the maze? Or disadvantage on attacks when fighting in the maze? Or just treat it as a maze and not worry about the mechanics of it? Do I not reveal the map as they explore to add to the confusion?
I'm running the Age of Worms adventure path (trying to convert it to 5e) from the Dungeon Magazines, issue 127 if you want to look it up.
Thanks for your help!