Friendly Fire

So Rurikhan posted a video about how he is saddened that "launching" is removed. And in this context, he classified launching under "friendly fire". When I explored the comment section, I noticed that almost, if not all comments are against the removal of upswing friendly fire/launching. Some say "As a Hammer main I like launching other hunters". While this is "funny" if you're playing with friends, or if you're the DOER of the action. It won't be as fun as the one being launched, especially if it lead to a cart.

My question is, why does the community love this concept of friendly fire, but hostile towards tripping (i.e. LS, Switch Axe, Bow, DB, etc), and so adamant that they won't ever slot in flinch free to avoid this.

I'm not saying that these are the same people. But reading reddit comments regarding LS tripping friendly fire, and Launching/Upswing friendly fire is so polarizing.

Edit: I just realized, shouldn't it be worst since the one doing the upswings, they do it intentionally sometimes. Whereas the trippers are just bad players who are not aware.

Edit2: For Rurikhan fans, before you comment. I'm not attacking Rurikhan, infact I understand and to a degree agree with some of the points he discussed on the video. So please chill.