lyric you realize is inappropriate to belt out in public halfway through
what's the musical theatre lyric you realize is *highly inappropriate* to belt out in public at the top of your lungs (entirely out of context, obviously), only once you're halfway through singing it?
mine is "SPRINGTIIIIIME FOR ... whoops" [H*tler]
EDITED TO ADD: I, a full-on ADULT HUMAN, am obviously not ACTUALLY belting out anything at the top of my lungs whilst in public. I don't even speak loudly. I'm inviting my fellow Musical Theatre Adults to have a chuckle thinking about a lyric that, for a non-MT person, would seem wildly strange out of context. Thank you (sarcasm) to the extremely helpful (sarcasm) individuals who jumped in to judge me intensely for a) daring to sing outside of the privacy of a cave, and b) having a sense of whimsy. Sheesh.