Mom Diagnosed with PC
December 2023 Mom (61) starts to have random bouts of stomach pain. Has had chronic pancreatitis throughout her life along with gall issues etc…. Begins to follow with GI doctore at regional medical center.
April 10 - A cholystectomy was performed to remove gall stones and was unable to relieve her stomach pain.
June 25 - an endoscopic biopsy FNA (Fine Needle Aspiration) was performed.
- Doctor came out and said “doesn’t look like cancer”
-3 hours later; I got a verbal confirmation that it’s cancer.
-Next day: the results are inconclusive.
FNA is sent to outside lab for review.
July 27 - Laparoscopic Biopsy was conducted in an effort to take a sample. Oncologist forgets to perform PET scan before and pulls matter which was inconclusive for cancer.
August 14 - Results from June 25 biopsy are returned positive diagnosis for ductal adenocarcinoma.
Mass is 4.9cm with a 180 encasement of SMA abutting to the SMV. Oncologist says it’s not ressectable.
We already have second opinions scheduled with Columbia, NYU, Memorial Sloan Kettering and John’s Hopkins in the coming weeks as far as possibly surgery.
We are scheduled to put a port in on Monday. I’m moving her into my house and have taken a leave of absence to help her through her battle.
- Is it normal for a pathology report to take for 6 weeks to show adenocarcinoma?
- Any tips for making chemo easier on her?
- Anything to to avoid?
- Wish us luck and send us prayer 🙏