Why are men like this

I just saw a comment underneath a post on Instagram where there was this guy talking about how "women have nothing of value to say" and "women over the age of 30 have no value" and "he loves to see women cry in pain". I then left Instagram, feeling disgusted, and was immediately confronted with a post on Facebook which said that a certain American burger chain was bringing back "hot skinny white women in bikinis" to its advertisements. A lot of men were commenting underneath with statements like "Finally! I was tired of seeing whales on my feed" and other men were saying things like "yup the skinny women are the only sm***able ones.

The whole experience reeked of misogyny.

Also, anticipating the comments, I do not engage in red-pill content. The first guy commented under a post about women's dating experiences(the woman said nothing controversial imo, she just said that women want a soft life, which to me means a life with a loving partner) and the other one was simply from a meme page.

Edit: ok, not all men. I suppose it is a loud minority. But still.... Can the guys who don't agree with this kind of rhetoric please speak up louder for those in the back? Because, as in all things, if the good people keep quiet, the bad people win.