Each Christmas I am reminded there are only two rules to conversation
1) Ask Questions
2) Ask follow up questions
That’s it. That’s the whole game. Everything flows from there. And yet the average person simply cannot do it.
I am not an instantly likeable guy, in fact I have to work hard from a poorer spot than most, particularly with women. But I can ask ANYONE questions: old, young, different backgrounds etc. And then whilst they are responding and talking about themselves I fucking shock them with follow up questions, demonstrating that I have actually listened to their response and am showing interest in them. Before they know it they find themselves conversing with me, despite originally thinking I looked like a private school dickhead with close together eyes.
Christmas time is particularly painful period for me between the Xmas parties, the family gatherings and various other interactions because one sees just how difficult people find this absurdly straightforward skill. It all becomes a drawn out period of observing a bunch of morons painfully alienating themselves through fumbled conversations, and exhausting myself from having to carry too many.
After hitting someone with almost five questions and hearing their answers, I feel a deep anxiety FOR them, when it becomes apparent that they can’t fucking play the game and return serve. I’m not waiting for the opportunity to talk about myself. I genuinely don’t want to talk about myself, in fact it’s probably my weakest aspect of conversation, I’ll often dodge the question and throw something back when asked! So that’s not the reason I’m waiting, instead it’s an anxiety for the other person that by the end of the Christmas period turns into a semi depression.
It just gets me down that so many people cannot take part in the most basic of social skills, even in short sprints. It is so fucking easy. I’m not even extroverted, I just had parents that drilled into me the art of conversation and then honed in over time.
If you can’t ask questions, you display a pathetic lack of interest in other people. If you can’t even pretend to be interested in other people, you never will be. If you don’t listen enough to ask follow up questions, you’ll alienate people even more so that if you’d never asked anything. And you’ll also never be able to make jokes, which require intense listening and quick thought to reply.
To be part of a free flowing conversation, back and forth, banter, a mixture of aloofness and seriousness, of faster and quicker pace, of recurring jokes and themes, with people intelligent and empathetic enough to keep up and keep it going is pure bliss in comparison. To interact as a human being with actual adult individuals, increasingly rarely, bliss.