Is this relationship salvageable? My (f22) partner (nb25) is suffering with mental illness and I feel like I’m losing myself.

Hi Reddit,

I’m currently struggling a lot in a relationship. We have been dating for a year now and my partner is depressed.

We live together and he struggles going to work. I’m trying to find a new job right now so financially we are struggling.

I don’t feel very happy in the relationship because I can’t really explore my interests in this sad environment. I don’t feel much like myself because I’ve been neglecting my hobbies and such because of the stress of just getting through the day.

I’ve talked to him about it but sadly his illness isn’t getting much better and I don’t know if anything will change

What would you do in this situation? Have you been in a similar one before?

TLDR: boyfriends mental illness is dragging me down a lot as well and I don’t know how to handle it because I feel like I’m losing my interests because of stress