Boyfriend (27 M) wants me (26 F) to apologize but refuses to be accountable for his actions.

We are an LDR couple. My boyfriend likes time for himself, and I don't really mind him doing things that he likes (video games, Netflix) but lately, I've been noticing that he has been focusing more on his own things rather than us spending time together.

Before this incident, he was playing video games and I was pretty upset that he's been ignoring me and he video called me some time afterwards. So I brought it up and told him that I feel like we're kind of drifting apart and that I feel like I'm slowly losing him to other stuff (he's also busy with work) and I would really like it if we did some quality time together, or try out new things together.

While I was bringing this up on video call, he wasn't even paying attention and kept scrolling through his phone.

He saw it as a complaint/attack and told me that he can never do anything right and that everything is always his fault. He said he's upset because all he wanted to do was play games without having me bring up all these concerns (which I think are pretty valid)

He shut the conversation down and told me he didn't want to talk and just sleep it out so I waited til the next day to message him again.

The next day, I told him I was sorry and I didn't mean to make him feel upset. We both got upset and I explained that all I really wanted was for us to spend more time together and I wish he wouldn't take it the wrong way. I also told him that I got upset last night because of how he wasn't paying attention while addressing my concerns.

He did a whole spiel about me not taking accountability and that I didn't know how to apologize. I don't think he understands that is the reason why I messaged him in the first place - to apologize and say sorry - however, he does not want to be accountable for upsetting me when he was not paying attention to my concerns with the relationship. He even told me he didn't want to hear an explanation nor care about what I think of our relationship and that he doesn't even know what he wants from me.

I don't even know how to deal with this anymore. I'm trying to find a solution but he isn't very open about them. I really need another perspective on this.

TL;DR: Boyfriend wants me to say sorry but he doesn't want accountability for also making me upset.