Switching, multi-genre. Looking for those familiar with many systems?

I have gotten a lot of great and encouraging feedback about BPRG.

( Call of Cthulhu, Lords of the Middle Sea ( post-apocalyptic ).

I do want multi genre, Mid-Drays, 1920s Gumshoe, 1980s Superhero, Modern Cosmic Horror, Mothershp// 33rd century.

I have tried it to

Cairn, ICRPG, Savage Worlds, Stars without Number ( lots of support material ), BRP ( Basic Role Playing games of Call of Cthulhu/Delta Green ), and PbtA.

Thank you if you care to weight in with " Well X is great, but not as crunchy as / flexible as Y " It would save me lots of time, money , research and learning less optimal systems ".

Thank you in advance. Currently I am leaning to Savage Worlds and BRP.