Writing power systems - Is it worth it?

A few days ago I came across this Twitter thread discussing the nature of superpowers in fiction. this Twitter thread discussing the nature of superpowers in fiction

Essentially, the key ideas discussed in the thread were that:

  1. Superpowers are nothing more than infantile power fantasies.
  2. Old stories with superpowers were better because most of them were more open to interpretation, whereas a modern work with superpowers requires you to buy into the premise from the start.
  3. The best “powers” are subtle, ambiguous, and can be easily confused with normal phenomena. Creating an elaborate power system with fixed rules takes away the beauty of supernatural phenomenon. Over-explaining superpowers is mostly done to appeal to nerds that are obsessed with this sort of stuff.

Regarding point 2, I’ve basically come to the conclusion that it is a reductive and disingenuous comparison. However, I’m still wondering how correct points 1 and 3 are.

I have recently been writing and planning for a fantasy/science fiction story where some characters have strange abilities. I was initially trying to create an interesting power system. Nothing too detailed, but something logically consistent with fixed rules.

But reading that thread killed some of my momentum, because now I’m wondering if it is really worth over explaining superpowers in a story. In fact, are superpowers worth exploring at all if they really are just adolescent ideas? What are your thoughts on that thread?