24 hour nonstop owner-operator trucking business idea with 2 of my buddies. (we run deliveries in one truck together without stopping)
Me and my two buddies came up with this owner-operator business idea that will hopefully allow us to make a decent chunk of change over the course of a decade. We are going to pool our money together to buy a semi truck and a trailer. The idea is that together we drive the truck 24/7 running deliveries without stopping (except for gas, food, and repairs). We'll get a decent sized cab so that two of us can sleep while one person drives. Then we switch off after 8 hours. This will be our 24 hour work cycle. The plan is to split all profits evenly between us.
Also, all three of us are going to get married to each other so that our finances are combined (completely platonic). Why you ask? Our combined earnings will compound much quicker if they are together rather than apart. Additionally, our combined brainpower will increase our trade successes. We will get divorced when we retire so don't worry about anything weird happening. After we get some bank built up we are going to install a PC with multiple monitors so that we can simultaneously trade stocks while making deliveries. The truck will be our business, home, and trading office. Then, after we build up even more bank, we are going to install some bitcoin miners in the trailer that runs off the engine so that we are making money whenever the engine is on. We may install some solar panels on the roof of the trailer with batteries so that we can continue to mine bitcoin and trade stocks whenever the engine is off. We might start a YouTube channel to vlog our business for additional income because this is such a unique cool idea. We are currently in the process of moving out of our apartments and selling off our belongings. We are going to take a look at a semi to buy next week.
The goal is to be able to retire after roughly 10 years. I think we can get this done with our delivery income, investment income, bitcoin mining income, and YouTube income. We are in our early 20s so the hope is to be done working by the time we reach our mid 30s. I'm consulting you gentlemen here so that we can get some tips on how to further make our business more lucrative and efficient. We are not here to get our minds changed on the core idea of running this business with my buddies. Is this a realistic goal? Any concerns we should have? Please leave any thoughts you think might help us accomplish this goal. We can provide our professional background if that helps with potential advice. Thank you.