Really at my BOILING POINT. Ive had it with employees.

Honestly . Ive had enuf of the stress and anguish of employees. I really had sincere motives. I wanted to hire people , respect them, start them off at $20per hour (pressure washing) then we added 401k. In the process of adding health insurance and I was offering to pay 75percent. I explained the goal was grow the business and get everyone to 30per hour within 14 months. But after another round of screaming in my house on a sunday afternoon.... Im tired of them stealing, doing half jobs, not listening, crashing, breaking stuff. These guys think they can do whatever they want and Im sick of it. Getting rid of 1 just seems to mean finding another 1 that will do the same thing with a different face. Like I just cant take it anymore. Thinking about sub-contracting everything and firing them all.