Why is Kubrick's The Shining hailed as one of the best horror movies of all time?
I just finished listening to the audiobook version of The Shining, and I absolutely loved it! My next audible buy is definitely going to be Doctor Sleep to continue with the story.
I'm now on a Shining kick, and so I bought on Amazon the 1997 Shining miniseries, and regardless of some negative criticisms I've heard about it, i honestly like it considering how good Stephen Webber is as Jack Torrance, and how true it stayed to the books story.
Even before I read the actual Shining book, I've never really liked the. Kubrick version of the Shining. My biggest thing about it, obviously besides it not actually resembling hardly anything to the Stephen King story, is that with the way Jack Nicholson played Jack Torrance, i could've guessed from the first 5 minutes of the movie that he was going to end up murdering his family. He just automatically came off as a weird, narcissistic, aggressive husband who wasn't too fond of his family.
When you compare that movie to the actual story in The Shining, where it's about a man who's trying his best to stay away from his alcoholism and wanting to do good for his family but still ends up going crazy by the hauntings in the hotel, Kubrick's version just has no story and no depth to it.
Also, with all the little things Kubrick did take from Kings version and put it into his movie as almost like little Easter eggs, but without any explanation to any of it, it really doesn't make any sense when they appear in the movie.
I just really appreciate The Shining the way King wrote it, and I dont even care to watch the Kubrick version because........well, its just not good, and I dont get it when I hear people hail it as "one of the greatest horror movies of all time".
Also, I've been a huge fan of of Rose Red ever since i watched it as a kid when it was on TV, and I love how similar both Rose Red and The Shining are to one another. 😍