Which games do you want remastered the most?
And which games do you think should get a remake?
I know most people will want Abyss remastered.
Some people will want Eternia.
But doing so means they'll likely never get a remake when both of those games probably have the most potential to be great remakes.
Low key I think they should remake Vesperia, imagine more depth to the story, the slog cut down and not having side quests be so damn obscure. Vesperia had great level design and a lot of content, was pretty lengthy and you didn't stop progressing your characters the entire time. There was always something to do other than just go from point a to b but early game is slow and late game only gets more grindy.
Update: Well. I was wrong. Almost no mention of Eternia.
There seem to be two major pools of thought that are evenly split
First- Abyss or Xillia remaster for post Symphonia titles with some people wanting a Symphonia remaster or remake but overall a lower priority.
Second- Remasters of pre Symphonia titles in general but mostly the ones without localization with a focus on Destiny DC and some people who want Legendia to get a serious upgrade.