ELL adult please help?

Hi y'all. I hope it is okay that I ask this here, I am not a teacher but really could use the advice of one/some.

My fiance is a Spanish speaker. We have been working on English and he uses 2 apps daily (Duolingo and one for vocab, FunEasyLearn). I can tell he is learning but he is very much still at level zero.

We found a free ESL class for him to attend and he was very excited for it. He is a grown adult and is willing and able to focus and learn.

Today was class 2 and I am concerned. The class is totally in English. Everything. The instructions. The questions. He says the other studenta seem to understand and interact but he is totally lost.

To be fair he is a lot stronger in written word than spoken, so that makes sense. I think he would be fine with reading the passages and answering the questions if he knew what to do.

They use an app for class and the instructions for how to download, log in, and use the app... Also totally in English.

Day 1: He came home with a paper. It had a passage (about a page, double spaced) and then on the back there were questions about the passage. We worked on it together. He was so adamant that he wasn't allowed to write in Spanish that I rewrote it in a notebook then had him notate over my words the ones he knew by sight. Then I went through the words he wasn't remembering but I knew he has studied in the vocab app and had him add those. Then we added a few words, I made him a vocab list of all the new words and he wrote them in Spanish and English. Then we read through it slowly and used context clues to fill in the rest of the blanks. After all that he was able to answer the questions easily when I asked them in Spanish and he was reading the passage aloud understandably.

Day 2: Earlier today he messaged the teacher to ask if he can see what today's work will be, so we could pregame some of that work. He was sent the assignment and we spent 2 hours on it. It was an audio clip of a man calling his Dr office to make an appointment. He was so ready! I was excited to hear how things went. Apparently they didn't do any work as a class, people just did things on their phones, possibly the app, he doesn't know. Then the students all left a half hour early and he was told to leave too, having no idea what he was supposed to be doing for 2 hours (2.5 hr class/2x week).

Obviously I don't expect his teacher to do all that and I am happy to do some serious heavy lifting with him at home, but I am worried that this immersion type of study is a lot to ask at this point. It's hard to learn a new language, esp as a grown adult, and starting at a page about a woman calling her Dr rather than like a song or the alphabet seems very challenging to me.

Any guidance would be greatly valued, thank you!