Gaming Trivia Day 13
Hello to anyone who decides to look at this post. Today is Day 13! With the 13th here, let's dive into a horror game you guys should know, Friday the- Wait... I know nothing about that game... *mumble mumble mumble* Well what am I supposed to do then. I can't give trivia if I don't know the answer myself. *mumble* You sure? I mean, I guess. Today will not be Friday the 13th, but rather Dead By Daylight! Anyway, with the joking out of the way, I'd 100% do a question on it if I had ever even seen gameplay of it, but Dead By Daylight is the closest game I know about. Maybe when a day happens to be Friday the 13th, I'll have a trivia question by then. So, for today's question:
Dead By Daylight has had many expansions, known as chapters within the game. What was the name of the first chapter of the game, and what killer was added?