Who is your favorite legendary lord and what addition would make him even more fun for you?

There's no criteria over choosing favorite LL, I just want to hear your own subjective preferences. I'll go first and say that Imrik is my favorite legendary lord. He has been my fav since WH2. Reason: He is probably one of the most arrogant LL in the game surrounded by bunch of enemies, yet he is one of the best fighters in the game, he buffs his army (spell resistance, charge, armor and fire resistance suit his playstyle perfectly) and can justify his arrogance by kicking literally anyone's ass. His model looks good and he also commands dragons which happen to be one of the coolest and most famous fantasy creatures.

If CA added a sea lane that connects eastern colonies/southern darklands with Ulthuan his campaign would really be awesome. Also more armor piercing for Dragon Princes (or even an infantry unit version) would be really nice.