I like to play games

I’m a huge fan of desperation and holding (and accidental wetting). I’ve mostly been a lurker on the internet and haven’t been able to explore at all with my partner (too embarrassed to bring it up at this point). However, I love, LOVE, having a full bladder. I swear there’s a direct connection between my clit and my full bladder.

I also have ADHD and often push off going to the bathroom until I complete certain tasks (both for fun, and because I forget lol). Yesterday I drank my entire 44oz water, plus a 32oz iced coffee, and realized about 3:30 that I hadn’t gone to the bathroom at work yet.. I typically leave work around 5pm. I decided I’d just wait to go until I was walking out of the building.

Omg you guys I was so fucking full. Towards the end I couldn’t sit still at all. Squeezing my thighs together as tightly as I could. Grinding my cunt into my work chair. Trying to put as much pressure to not let out a single drop.

Finally I finished up everything I needed to for the day! I realized I should fill up my (emotional support) water bottle before I headed home, because the kitchen was before the restroom on my way out.. filling the cup up with ice from the machine was fine, but as soon as I turned on the facet to fill it up.. omfg I was going to lose it. I twisted my legs together and leaned forward, waiting for the water to fill up my cup. I was still in public and around my coworkers so I didn’t want to grab myself and make a full spectacle. But I was truly on edge. The sound, the waiting, knowing the bathroom was close..

As it finally filled, and I was putting the lid on, I felt a tiny leak make its way through my resolve! I audibly gasped and did the potty shuffle, trying to make my way to the bathroom before an even bigger leak made its way out. Shifting my thighs as close together as possible, trying to walk quickly but needing to pause to keep my control.

It’s only about 30 steps to the bathroom from the office kitchen. As soon as I opened the main bathroom door, another leak escaped! I put my things down on the table outside the restroom and all but ran inside. Uh oh! Another leak!

Barely was able to get the stall door shut and my leggings & panties down. I know I started letting go before my ass hit the seat..

I peed for at least a full minute, a huge gush/release. I know I moaned out loud, because fuck, the release is orgasmic when the need is that bad..

After survey the damage in my panties, it wasn’t that bad, and nothing visible on my black leggings outside. I washed up and made it to my car. When I got home, I did see a little wet patch on my car seat, so definitely should have put a towel down.

After holding that long & deeply, I always feel like my muscles are weakened. That night, every single time I had to pee, I HAD TO GO. Two separate times at home I started leaking again before I was able to get my pants down. But today everything seems to be back to normal 🤭