Yoga routine for man late 30’s, previously competing in competitive sport
Hi guys, I previously boxed, with huge amounts of weight training and sparring.
I now do a job where I stand for 9 hours a day and I’m in pain, mostly across my right rear rib cage, this is mainly from Imbalances….my right foot tends to be more supinated and left pronated, when standing for long periods and this has led to Imbalances.
I’ve also suffered damage to my wrists and both shoulders, one has a slap tear and another a ruptured supeaspinatus. Dispite this I can still do pull-ups and press-ups etc, as long as I carefully warm up.
I also cycle 5 hours per week.
I would to undertake a program that focuses on lengthening my body, aligning my spine and loosening my rib cage. I would like to start replacing my strength training days with yoga as I feel my body is perhaps starting to break down and focusing on being able to move better will serve me well for the future.
My question is, where can I get the best guides for these routines or who do you all recommend.