Manager in a Long Term Care Facility - is this normal?
Starting a study group for those writing CDRE in May
Am I crazy? Argument with Chef over how to do the dishes
Do you have a single food item that completely changed your life and led you to pursue nutrition?
Who is the author you have read the most books from?
After 7 long years, I am officially now an Australian
What does a healthy child-parent relationship look like?
What is something you reuse that most people typically throw away?
Doing nothing and just relaxing is highly underrated
My new puppy!
What are the most satiating low calorie foods?
What are some socially acceptable things that *shouldn't* be?
Healthy sweet/salty foods?
Does trauma ever make you feel like you’re in a constant state of trying not to get caught, doing practically anything?
What to do with my degree?
What classifies a if a food is processed or not?
I was sitting at work and I just felt so content and happy with my simple life!
[Misc] helpful simplification
Hobbies: consuming versus creating
What's your "I can't believe they got away with this in a kid show" moment?
Being in both r/houseplants and r/minimalism is me constantly re-evaluating whether a clutter-free home or a plant-filled home would make me happier
What’s the worst thing a “good guy” ever did in a children’s movie or show?
Realizing how I was taught to consume while growing up.
do you use skincare products/have a routine?
Whoah the mental clarity!