Found this cookie cutter in my kitchen. Any guesses what it is?
AIO by getting pissed at my boyfriend’s overbearing brother?
My other cat’s name is Toasty can you help me think of either a name related to toast, a kitchen item, or a food? He’s grey. Just adopted today not the best photos. Thanks!
Name suggestions please! 8 week old male
Need name ideas for my new kitty I can’t seem to think of one that fit her
Ex-smokers who successfully quit and have been smoke free for years now, what did it?
My (26f) bf (30m) got me Pokémon for Christmas and I can’t let it go, do I call it quits or work it out?
Unimpressed with Opal selection
Help me name my newly adopted void cat! I'm stuck between Jones, Moony, Blues and Zeppelin. Open to new suggestions - bonus if music related :)
Which dress? Thoughts, be brutal
my bf’s (m30) dad had a talk with me (f26) and idk what to do about it?
Favorite comic panels for a collage
My cat is incredibly skinny
Are there any build a bear stores that are still the "old" version?
Why does my boyfriend (26m) think it's okay to touch me (24f) when I'm asleep? And how do I make him understand that it's creepy.
Update: AIO to my GF asking if I want to sleep with other women | Break up
I (22F) want a threesome, bf (21M) does not
Self stuffing locations
GF (F24) is worried about me (M26) being in a band with girl I slept with
AITA for not telling my boyfriend i could understand his language this whole time
GF27 broke up with me M27 because of emotional intimicy, what should i do?
My BIL threw away all my sisters mugs instead of packing them like he promised, so we sent her new stuff just to aggitate him.
I was just chilling smoking some green. It's legal were I live then this happens maybe I'm a dick and don't realize it
WIBTA if I left my fiancé?
AITA for breaking up with my FTM boyfriend because I'm not gay?