It seems like every trans woman is either a professional of some kind (usually in STEM), or homeless. And that terrifies me.
This is a 1974 letter from LEGO to parents, included on the packaging written to encourage imagination, creativity, gender equality, and just wanting kids to be kids.
Why aren’t there more highly successful autistic women like female versions of Bill Gates?
What to wear to orientation?
I can’t believe I’m here, but am I a girl/should I transition?
Why Do We Not Consider Trans Health Care Bans As Genocide At This Point?
Family Guy
Trump's new spiritual advisor, Paula white, who now leads the White House's 'faith office,' was caught in 2010 having an affair with televangelist charlatan Benny Hinn in Rome.
Metropolitan Stadium: From the Air in the Late 1950s
how it is as a trans teen
My friend keeps telling me I'm gender fluid but I don't wanna be gender fluid.
Do I wait till it feels real
*Un-Ranmas your Ranma* [art by @fuunsoo]
My friend believes I am over reacting
How do I deal with this transphobic guy I’ve been seeing.
Was I an asshole for making sure a worker was recognized for their kindness?
Femboys definitely help awaken my bisexually
How strong will the smell change down there be? Will it be noticeable to someone else I am sexually involved in?
I feel bad about being disappointed that all the MtF matches I'm getting aren't full time trans
Egg irl