The progression here is awful
How much Corite did everyone get?
Panther grind
Hazardous Weaponry
Where are the Haemonculus models? I love the Drukhari lore but hate the armored models and the Mandrakes look like hippies. Where are all the cool models of these guys? Am I too late to the party?
Potential ASU teaser from a riot post
Hey guys, new to eldar, how’s this list?
Four new live action 40K series just dropped, which one you watching first?
Some models I painted
So I'm going to need a light spoiler or I may just uninstall [KCD2]
Just happened into a decent sized lot of Eldar, don’t know where to start
Sky Splinter Assault 1k List Feedback
Fully Magnetized Kabalites ready to be Trueborn again!
Aspect host list help
Nocturne x RT short comic (just a small warning that it’s romance related)
Mel Changes in 15.S1.4
God GW making Female Custodes (even though ADB wanted to include female Custodes in Master of Mankind but was blocked because GW wasn't making models for them currently) was Like a fucking roach bomb for culture war tourists and grifters.
The wraithbone retcon is just gw's way of preparing for turning corsairs in a full faction
Does Talon use magic in the noxus show? Should he?
Starting Aeldari
Overthinking the recent lore changes to the Ynnari \ Phoenix Lord relationship.
Yriel's out as well from the Ynnari
Imagine how they'd look like with today's graphics...
Aeldari vs T'au Empire - Who will be the master of the movement phase? Warhammer 40k in 40m battle
Looking forward to the new codex