If Dave Grohl had never been in Nirvana what do you think the Foo Fighters career arc would have looked like?
My CD player keeps messing up my discs. What am I doing wrong?
Give me five (S tier songs)
I can't be the only one that didn't notice the D and C being magnets...
Honest rank
Make me the cringiest 5 song playlist of butt rock/chad metal
[SHITPOST] Rating Axl's "feuds" on a scale of 1-5 stars
I got lucky today
I like Metallica:)
What should I call this album?
Need more songs like The Memory Remains!!
Recommend me songs for my "Men Singing Sluttily" spotify playlist
What are some bands/artists you absolutely can’t stand?
A little bit about country music...
What is one album that you can sit through with no skips?
What’s a band or artist that everyone seems to love but you just can’t get into?
What are the songs that are not well-accepted by fans but you like?
This true?
What the saddest Metallica song on your opinion
Name a song…
My record collection and I’m wondering what else should I get?
Best comeback album?
Which celebs come to mind when you think of "men written by lana del rey" ?
What Tyler Song Made you a Fan
Describe your favorite band with one word and others have to guess it