GoRider - Comentarii Amuzante
Is this an Airbnb scam? Too good to be true deals in London [world]
Instalare faruri LED fără să-i orbești pe ceilalți sau să îți ridice talonul
Host found cigerette buds on the balcony and is requesting $1k as a cleaning fee. I dont smoke nor did i use the balcony. [iceland]
Check-out instructions say to take trash to local dump [USA]
I accidentally made a reservation for a wrong date cancelled and the owner is not giving a full refund [USA]
Upgrade for a prebuild?
Pareri benzina
Ce opinii pe care le aveți va pun in ipostaza asta?
Aplicatie care chiar plateste pentru sondaje de opinie
How can I move my entire photos and videos library to another google photos account?
For those who are about to get charged by Airbnb for damages. [Worldwide]
Samsung double standard practices in Europe vs America.
Happy Happy!
This is what we get for 6 months of Gemini pro
Produs gratis Lidl
Mi-a zis un angajat că peste 90% din sucurile astea ajung la gunoi. Scumpe și se strică repede. Food waste FTW
Prietena 20yo nu vrea să plătească pentru nimic
Pot cumpara produse de pe emag, sa le testez, dupa sa le returnez?
Airbnb host keeps requesting money after my stay [CO]
flip.ro e cea mai mare teapa.
Air bnb host trying to charge for damages with no proof but I have proof of inconsistency in communication. What can I do to not get falsely charged?[Arizona]
What phone should I upgrade to?
Boicot masiv contra inflatiei impuse de megacorporatii: magazine goale, vânzări prăbușite, se extinde in Balcani