Cheeky Scratchie
Nicotine pouches
Whats the best armor findable in Zotov, wild island or garbage?
is there a Byron Bay serial killer?
Edibles recommendation
What happens to consciousness after we die? or at least what is our best guess for it?
Low potassium since starting keto
Before GE life was more intense.
We are the creators of Scavengers Reign, now streaming on Netflix. Ask us anything!!
2 teens on bikes smashing car mirrors in Southport
Best coffee on the gc?!
Dad registered his car in sisters name without consent, now she’s been fined
Private Schools Opinion
Dating on the Goldcoast in mid 20's
Is it worth it anymore?
People need to stop moving to Perth
Not Too Bad For A 40 Year Old Dad (Apr. 5th BDay)
I (F19)cant say no, and it might have ruined my relationship with the love of my life (M21)
I need to move out
URGENT- Accommodation Advice for City Movers
Installing Shaders