My finished Centurion Bust
Gaul Warrior 54 BC
Gaul Warrior 54 BC, preparing to attack.
DAK - 75mm - oil painting
Thespian Hoplite, Thermopylae 480 BC
The Perry British are coming!
Roman Centurion late BC early 1st Century.
Roman Centurion
Roman Centurion Bust: work still progress.
Would you like some cheese ?
1/16 MG42 Gunner from Life Miniatures. C&C welcome :)
Landsknechts Pikemen with a freehanded Habsburg banner
10 legionnaires finished. Miniatures are 15mm and from Essex miniatures
Erwin Rommel - Historical Miniature .
US Airborne BoltAction Squad
Renaissance Italian Heavy Swordmen
Painting Military miniature
Progress of an early imperial Roman army im building. Miniatures are 15mm
Bavarian, Franco/Prussian War
My first viking retinue (give or take) for Ravenfeast. Models by Victrix.