what smell/taste that frutiger aero reminds you of?
What Gojira song is this?
What is the last song by Gojira that you listened to?
Can you be a trans woman with a deep voice?
His name is the last thing you ate. Name him...
Bands/artists similar to Gojira’s “tribal” style?
found at my college
any girl gojira fans?
What’s your favorite Gojira album?
Starting to feel like I pass better without my glasses than with my glasses. What do we think?
I’m leaving the subreddit.
Is there any anime that has a Frutiger Aero aesthetic? Only one I can think of is Angel Beats
Trans girls, how supportive is your family (mainly core family aka parents, or whoever you used to or still live with)?
I can't
List of fish species most popular in Frutiger Aero imagery
I’m starting to not like my chosen name anymore?
Skyline Hall at William Paterson University in New Jersey has some FA elements sprinkled in there
What's your favorite album from each band of the big four?
Fear of Electronic Beeping/Buzzing noises
My dog looks nothing like what the DNA test results said?
School won’t let me change my name and pronouns :(
What if I want to be a girl, but I don’t feel like I am one?
Thinking I might be trans (but I’m scared)
I think I’m sexually attracted to my sister’s friend (16F). What should I do?
I thought this water bottle was pretty FA.