Someone tell me it’s ok to get rid of old photo albums
Things you use to fidget that AREN’T intended as fidget tools?
Witches, what's something good that's happened to you recently.
I hacked my ADHD 😅
Show me what you made
I’m just so tired of it all
To Do:
Resistance among the Teens
Where do I buy books
What small acts of defiance can I do as a woman right now?
Happy National Hugging Day
What's the one song you're currently obsessing over?
Energy Workers: How do you maintain hand sensitivity?
I’ve never been 100% sure about having kids
End-of-life rituals and gatherings
What is your advice for engaging in resistance while also taking care of yourself?
Looking to Date at 46, Need Lots of Advice
Help Please!
Celebrating my 33rd birthday and 2 years sober!
Is it easy for you to reach out for help?
Grocery store adhd dysfunction
What’s your current hyperfixation ?
The "Talk" - Moms with 12 year old boys
Unfucked my living room to do our tree 🎄
Guys i made a friend :3