[👻Upcoming Soul Offering Week👻] After Maintenance at 03:30-05:30 PST on February 21st, some servers will enter the Soul Offering Week!
Peter's Romantic Gossip?
What in the RNG
Uhhhh guys, it happened again…
My luck
Gear Guide Update: Upgrade Calculator
[Upcoming Wish Magic Week] After Maintenance at 03:30-05:30 PST on February 14th, some servers will enter the Wish Magic Week!
batch process pays well.i guess?
Meet the Dragon Orbs Counting Winners!
Responses to February Road Map Megathread
[Upcoming Lottery Week] After Maintenance at 03:30-05:30 PST on February 7th, some servers will enter Lottery Week!
Upvotes for Snail Codes!
February Road Map Megathread
[Upcoming Soul Offering Week] After Maintenance at 03:30-05:30 PST on January 31th, some servers will enter the Mystic Ritual Week!
Meet the Lucky Snails who are selected in the Lottery Rewards Showcase Event!
Dragon Orbs Counting!(See comments for instructions)
[Upcoming Wish Magic Week] After Maintenance at 03:30-05:30 PST on January 24th, some servers will enter Wish Magic Week!
Lottery Rewards Showcase😊
The Relic is Traveler Diploma! (We got 159 votes! Here is a snail code below)
[Upcoming Lottery Week] After Maintenance at 03:30-05:30 PST on January 17th, some servers will enter Lottery Week!
Guess the Relic!(If 300 Snails answer correctly, we'll give out two snail codes)😉