Interesting technique demonstrated by a centaur statue in Hogwarts Legacy
Cursed TWD Cast
Voodoo magic
Anyone: asks a question. Daryl: I don't know.
My jaw hurts after shooting?
Nobody knew each other
The scenes that make you cry on a rewatch
How long do you think you’d be able to survive in the world of the Walking Dead? And how do you think you’d die?
Is there any food in The Walking Dead that made you go hungry?
Make this negan’s search history
Why do Zombies snarl?
Eyes off of the road
What scene from the show do you think is the most heartbreaking?
Fundamental questions!!
Agree or disagree?
Just met negan
As branch manager, what did Michael do to contribute to the success of the Scranton branch?
Between Maggie, Carol, and Michonne, who had the best weapons/combat and survival skills throughout the seasons?
critical contradiction
Archery Newbie Looking for Basement Range tips.
Turning into a walker
is lizzie autistic?
Connie and kelly.
How do you store a ILF recurve bow ?
Who is your Big 3?