how old am i based on my avatar
What’s your opinion on this
Which online game comes to mind?
What's your GTA version of "I did not care for The Godfather?"
Video game suggestions
What are some games Cory has not finished yet?
What franchises shouldn’t return?
How could R* prevent GTA6 Online from becoming a toxic mess like GTA5 Online?
What is the name of this place (wrong answers only)
Give it a movie title
What's the lore behind your gamer tag?
Moments you liked of characters fighting walkers?
Favorite Character that had you like this?
When the secondaries are more than the primary target
Who had the worst death in TWD?
What are your unpopular TWD opinions that would get you like this?
Would you agree with this tier list?
San Fierro Snapshots
What first comes to mind?
What I imagine the USA to look like in GTA
Name the game. (I’m probably going to catch flak for my choice)
Show me your lock screen. No buts.
Tell me your favourite game
Which one are you?