How do American citizens feel about how the US looks to the rest of the world?
Let's talk about how much our undocumented Brothers and Sisters contribute to our local workforce, let's share how much these hard working folks play a significant part of the fabric of our local community!
Could the US just calm down for a hot second
If you could settle down anywhere in Azeroth, where would it be?
A post I saw here just turned everything on its head.
Is it just to stand up for LGBT individuals because of discrimination? Is there scripture that may suggest such?
Sola Scriptura, how can it be any other way?
I disobeyed God and I’m afraid that it’s over for me
Fornicating Wife
Do any of you guys evangelize when playing video games?
What happened to turning the other cheek?
Questions for those who are in a relationship or married
The most dangerous prayer is 3 words.
Dear Americans. You will NEVER be forgiven.
How can I as a Christian argue well?
I hate this place now
Christian’s don’t need to go to church
Doubting the Bible
“Legalism” doesn’t mean what people think it means
The Truth About “Saved Not by Works but by Grace Through Faith” (Widespread Heresies Exposed)
Survey: 76% of U.S. Protestant Churchgoers Say God Wants Them to Prosper Financially
Men in your late 30s and up, can you still pound back the same amount of beer or liquor as in your younger years, or has your tolerance dropped?
Why don't Americans riot?
A mod that adds injured people you can heal