Grimes' musical influence (300 closest artists)
Radiohead influence network (300 closest neighbors)
Taylor Swift influence network (300 closest artists)
Björk's influence network (300 closest neighbors)
[Corrected] David Bowie's musical influence network (closest 300 neighbors)
[Corrected]: David Bowie's musical influence (closest 300 artists)
What kinda music does this guy listen to?
David Bowie's musical influence (closest 300 artists)
Something that's blues with grunge, preferably more blues though
Music has become bland for me
Looking for new music
Which streaming service has the best algorithm and/or music discovery?
Organic music suggestions
i'm bored and want to expand my music taste so recommend me ANY album/ep
Cool website for exploring influence paths between artists
Organic music browsing tool
Cool indie reccs website
Recommendations based on influence paths between artists
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