AITA for baking blueberry muffins for my boyfriend?
ummmmmm LMAO
Don’t take your Amazon branded vehicles for granted
Overnight Delivery
Guy tried to go out with cart full of stuff
Can we get a decent rainstorm?
It finally happened...
In nature listening to the birds..
Reiki healing
Meeting up
Anyone else having orders unassign themselves?
Naked dasher
What do you see?
Do kids look at you like you’re enchanted?
i’m not racist or anything but indian food MY GOD
Good morning starseeds
Injecting in other places…
interesting tip
Can you read and see words in your dreams too?
I had a surprisingly detailed conversation with a ghost in a dream where he explained how he crosses dimensions.
Would anyone care for some lightly used deodorant?
1997 Scholastic Book Fair receipt
I Can Still Remember Her Face
Kitty ordered gas station snacks