ELI5: What is the difference between different anabolic steroids and peptides and what do they each do?
What we have for G100UL's Field Deployment
ELI5: What is the difference between Large Language Models and Artificial Inteligence?
ELI5: Resting meat after cooking
It rained and it’s only wet where my rear wiper wipes
Dumb question for lift
US VKB customers will be paying tariffs now (Not China paying but YOU)
ELI5: Which side is the appendix on?
"Nazis. I hate these guys"
First Solo Nerves
November of 1987, Christopher Reeve travels to Chile to give a speech and support to 77 actors victims of the Pinochet regime. At the time Actors Robert De Niro, Meryl Streep Robert Redford, had done a strong worded letter, He decided to go.
ELI5: why is air blown out through pursed lips feels cold, while air from an open mouth feels warm?
Old lady keeps coming to my hospital dressed as a clown to see patients that are strangers to her.
Greenland ice sheet is cracking more rapidly than ever. Crevasses – cracks in the surface of glaciers - are getting larger across Greenland. These cravasses are the initial fractures from which icebergs can break off, increasing the output of icebergs into the ocean.
IFR backup
ELI5: Why do most human fluids dry hard, but tears don’t?
Fear of cross-country flights after PPL - low time pilot
ELI5: Why is the limit of (1 + 1/n)^n “e” (2.718…) instead of 1?
This could be absolutely meaningless blabber. It could be the opposite of that.
TIL The average speed of male ejaculation is 28 mph / 45 kph
Artifacts when printing
TIL that flour always needs to be cooked before being eaten (think raw cookie dough) because it can contain E. Coli and other contamination
What has become so expensive that it’s not worth buying anymore?
Angry elephant chases tourists
ELI5: How did broccoli get contaminated with listeria monocytogenes? How are food contaminations getting more common?