Since i am christian but also believe in reincarnation. What denomination does that fall under... universal gnosticism ? U tell me
Why I converted to Christianity / My testimony.
Being transgender
The Truth About “Saved Not by Works but by Grace Through Faith” (Widespread Heresies Exposed)
To Christian virgins regarding marriage
God doesn't love everyone?
Your reasons for believing in Christianity rather than merely "a higher power", etc.
Atheism in a nutshell
How do you deal with false teachers and heretical influences within the confines of reddit?
I have a question about "faith alone."
Cancelled for being Christian before Black
Where do you draw the line on forgiveness vs being practical and parting ways?
Can anyone help me with the feeling of me thinking I have to be perfect to be a Christian?
Why do christians believe in an omnipotent God?
Seeking Honest Advice: How to Know the True Path?
Is it really possible to say the Christians who were involved in slavery weren't real Christians as those started the slave trade , watched it happen for 400years and the Pope at the time was the who initiated all of that?
🔥 Sea otter showing off his favorite rock to a fisherman
A community of Christian that watches Anime!
Thank you for your hospitality.
Are we supposed to be so devoted to God that we essentially have no identity outside of Him? Should we lose who we are completely?
Why is Reddit so anti-religion?
How should I view my relationship with God & Jesus?