What if in AU$TRALIA the regions had different values?
What’s a good CSH lyric for a senior quote?
What feature does Letterboxd need?
films with magical qualities from a child’s perspective?
most powerful movie title drops in a film?
good podcasts for criterion movies?
more halloween songs to genuinely scare the shit out of me?
Songs that feature uncredited guests
Geordie Greep AMA 11/10/24
can i bring an overnight guest over for winter break?
fall albums!
favorite full needle drop in a movie? (song plays front to back in its entirety)
places with a sharp contrast between urban and rural areas?
is it a faux pas to stand up and dance during sms? if not when is a reasonable time to do it?
New Zealand was not lopsided
biggest dip in quality between two consecutive tracks?
How Long Do Y'all Think Jet Lag Will Go On
Is it just me, or are BC;NR e-daters?
bought the best gift for my english teacher
What are movies that have memorable or iconic last lines that I need to add to this list?
Steve Albini…
new student here. how am i supposed to log in if i have no code and the touch id doesn't work?
Jet Lag Senior Quote
What are your favorite songs about transit (preferably metros, busses, and trams, but trains and planes are also valid)?
how would you redesign circumnavigation?