What was the 1st game you remember playing on a desktop computer?
What no longer available feature do you miss the most?
RDR2 in 4K with ultra settings feels like therapy in video game. I could spend hours just taking scenery!
Flere her som er 27 år og vet ikke hva de vil gjøre i livet?
Reminder that it's Comp Stomp week for Brawl. This is the best time of year to farm marks of honor.
Please post the most recent picture you took of your pup!
New Specs over Classes
What is the currently most easy class and/or spec to play in the game?
What generation are most players?
Denne personen har opplevd "en helvettes flytur" etter at kabinpersonalet ba henne og sønnen sin om å sette seg ned.
Completed Part 1 for the first time, here are some in-game shots!
Games to play after finishing The Last of Us?
Omskjæring i voksen alder☹️ Erfaring?
To celebrate the game's one-year anniversary: Enshrouded just announced the release date for Update 5!
Do you guys play only one character (main) or multiple alts?
Navnevalg til baby
How is this still not reversible?
Er 20. Jeg har ingen motivasjon til å gjøre noe som helst fordi jeg bor hos foreldrene mine. Går det ann å bo noen andre steder for meg?
I cant connect to my friend, and my friend cant connect to me when we try to host a coop mission on PC
Tonight's Los Angeles, USA (Credit: Autism Capital)
Tidligere generalsekretær i NATO Jens Stoltenberg setter Donald på plass
Addicted to opioids (18) to (20). Now (21), sober, and grateful.
I’m an idiot and just used 60 gilded crests to create a piece that I didn’t need instead of the one I did need
Hvordan I h***** blir du (jeg) feit!?