Just Drew this tonight, what do you think?
in case my comment gets deleted from https://youtube.com/shorts/plwm30Kmd_Y
Man, Woman, Vladimir
Mili - "Hearts Stay Unchanged" german transkript
ASL rocks! Never have I loved a language more.
The entire concept of the Pokédex makes no sense ?!
Going the same way
i shall start saying golden labradors and black labradors are different breeds, if this continues.
My body goals :0
I always thought Detective Pikachu didn’t do well to be among the highest? Thoughts?
Has anyone here who is ‘female’ (or witness it) have act like this, protect your chest instinctly?
What are your personal headcannon for the Three Musketeers
What did i just see - Germany
why i hate the internet
Anyone else feel like it’s hopeless to talk to neurotypical people?
well, would you, human?
I got 2 shinies :-D