Top ten all time
What do you think
[COD] Tell me the best call of duty
The Ultimate Comprehensive In-Depth Distractible Episodic Review (Day 2)
Favorite 3 Metallica songs? I'll go first.
Guess my top band
One year gain
One year difference
My gain
Day 2 Trying To Get A Comment From Every U.S. County/Parish/Borough
The Edge of Sleep is leaving in 14 days???
Tell me your favorite band and I’ll tell you if we’d bang
Wg goal
My total gain over time
Plus 60 lbs
POP QUIZ! What is the rarest naturally occurring element on earth?
170-225-280. I guess 335 is next, yeah?
Tell me ur fav band
My Fifty pound gain
Which song(s) are the unofficial anthem of the USA?