Is there a name for this region of SEA? And what is life like in these places?
The 2nd largest urban area in the world (Pop. 34 millions). Jakarta Metro, Indonesia
We are a speck in the timeline of life
Surabaya, ID
Man in Indonesia captured exact moment a volcano erupted within its caldera
Jakarta, Indonesia
Bandung, Indonesia
As a Filipino woman, I seriously think only women should be ever allowed to rule over every single Asian country.
[1.6 beta] Trigger animations via Dim
Most eventful day in Singapoor
This shit is no joke.. PIA is just teasing future plans
Makassar, Indonesia
Panguruan, Indonesia
Ibu ibu naik lewat motor lewat trotoar, ditegur malah balas "kamu itu di negara orang."
Bronze piggy bank. Indonesia, Majapahit Empire, 14th century [1630x1490]
Thank you Bangbros for promoting our great University 🙏
Blursed face
I saw a lot of foreigners ignorantly thought that Indonesia is a primitive jungle land while not knowing majority of countries around the world has been modernized, is there anyone from other country being told the same?
This is inside a marble quarry
Places of birth of Indonesia Men's Football(Soccer) Team players
5.3 AQ voiceline count via HOMDG
5.3 weapons